May 06, 2008


27 - Number of inches lost since June 12, 2006. I'm happy with this number because I've only been meaning to lose inches for the past couple of months.

126 - Number of days since I've had fast food (not including Subway) or pop. And I don't miss it.

4 - Pitiful number of countries I've been to.

2 - Years I've been a Youth Care Worker.

2 - Number of hot chocolates I've had today since discovering it's only 2g of sugar and 60 calories

0 - Prizes I've won in this year's round of Roll Up the Rim. It doesn't help that I don't drink coffee.

75.74 - How much it cost to fill up the Camry's tank the other day, at $1.28 a stinking litre.

11 - Number of books I bought at the book sale for $7.

202 - Number of songs on my mp3 player.

10 - Number of songs I actually like. I may need to invest time in this area.

9 - Number of numbered things I had to think of in order to post the first thing on the list.

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