August 29, 2005

Pack Ratting

The greatest joy you can give to anyone with pack rat tendencies is to ask them to go through their "stuff". The greatest terror you can give to anyone with pack rat tendencies is to ask them to throw any of that "stuff" out.

So, in an effort to evade the second, I went with the first and spent the afternoon in the basement of the building going through some boxes of my old things: clothes, school papers, and the things that used to adorn the walls of my room growing up.


I even threw a lot of things out. Nothing significant mind you, but I figured it was time to get rid of all those receipts that I had decided to keep and the broken knic-knacks that had meant so much to me at the time. I even found a few things I'd written back in the day... they were a kind of blogging before I knew this existed. They're long though, so unless I really run out of things to say you might never see them.

I also found some old mix tapes of mine. I'm tickled to see if any of them still work. There's nothing too cheesy though, just some Beatles stuff from The Great Beatles Obsession of grade eight.

Good times.

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