I remember this race like it was yesterday... *sigh*. The '96 Olympics in Atlanta was the first year of my irrational obsession with the greatest sporting event on earth. I still have the scrapbooks I kept of every newspaper article from the Chronicle Herald that had anything to do with these games. My obsession has become more rational in that I have come to understand that not going to work/school, or forgoing social interaction in order to watch Olympic coverage is just plain ridiculous. Although I may consider coordinating my vacation time with any upcoming games... and heck maybe I'll even be in Vancouver in 2010!

That was 10 years ago??? Holy Smokes I feel old! Not to mention that I graduated from high school 6 years ago....
My how time flies! It seems like just yesterday when you were clearing your academic calendar so that you could watch the 2002 Olympics...
OH my gosh! I agree with Emily, I can't believe that was 10 years ago!! I'm super old!
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