They approved me! Yay! I think mine is on the first floor, and it's facing the harbour.
So yesterday I signed a lease... I've signed one before, but that was for a room in a house with a bunch of other people, and I didn't sign the lease for the last two apartments I lived in, so this is a relatively monumental occasion. I'm pretty safe, since it's a month to month lease, so if I've discovered that I've gotten in over my head then I can move out fairly quickly.
Hardwood floors! Little mini-door for milk delivery! Harbour view! I hope... I'm on the first floor so I'm thinking my view won't be as awesome as the one I saw on the top floor, but I'm willing to accept that.
Move-in date is August 1st... or so. That's a Tuesday and I'm going to have to round up a truck (hey little brother! busy?), so it may not be until later in the week.

Hey, I'm off on Saturday! Who wants to go yard-saling???
Hey Ev'y,
I'd Love to go yard saleing, but I'll be at my Brother's wedding...
Mike and Jen are really getting hitched. woot.
I might have a chouch for you if you need one - it's kinda old, but not bad, bi gi think.. If you want it we have to figure out a way to get it to you...
Let me know
Where will you ever find Apple green Spice racks again?
I agree with the above comment - self control? My foot! Go for it! Or at least put a bid in!
By the way,
I am still using my msnspace for more pictures and friend-updates since it has permission settings, but I missed my little blog so much that I felt the need to start it up again - just wanted to let you know!
You have self control????
"Where will you ever find Apple green Spice racks again?"
There might be good reason for that. I'm sorry, Evelyn, but those have got to be the ugliest spice racks I've ever seen! I like you, but I just had to say that.
See you soon! (And please, don't get my apple green spice racks for a wedding present!)
well ruthie, I think our tastes have always differed a bit! but hey, when a colour makes you happy, it makes you happy :)
vintage tupperware, those who like it, like it a lot...
And no worries, I'm not going to give those babies to anyone!
LOL your Mom. "You have self-control?" Haha Moms are so great. :P
No way Evelyn, I had no idea that you had a blog and I see the green tupperware and decidet that this is the first comment I will leave and I open it up and see lipstickface and realize that I don't have you linked on my blog so she got to you independent of me. This is my best friend from high school's sister. How weird is that?
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