July 04, 2007

Nothing to See Here!!!

There is nothing new to report on the ol' life front, as my life continues to be a series of naps, work and reality TV. Seriously, I can't be stopped. Now I think I can run a restaurtant because I've seen Restaurant Makeover... honestly.
The camping excitement level has been raised to orange.

Happy Birthday to my sister-in-law BJ (it's still July3rd to me). She's nice, but kind of moody...

Since patriotism is the reason for the season (and yes, I know this is the wrong day... I didn't have time before) here are a few slices of Canadiana that freckled my childhood. Enjoy:

I tried to stop at just one, but it was hard to choose!


Nicole said...

I am so excited that you found that log driver video, I have been searching for that for years!

Cheers Evelyn! You made my day!

Carol said...