June 09, 2006

Step Two

Alright, so people wanna read a book. Good. I'm rather wary of calling is a "club", where we haven't really succeeded in the club thing before (dean's list, anyone?).

So far we have two suggestions from Ms. Riddlington: The Solitaire Mystery and The Orange Girl both by Jostein Garder. Any others? If we got four or five then we could vote and choose one. I'm having difficulty coming up with some options, because there seems to be a little pressure in picking something that everyone will like. Has someone read something that the want everyone else to read?

Something classic? Something new and unknown? I think that for our first pick someone with the qualifications should pick the first one... anyone have a masters in English???

What do you want to read? And none of this "I don't know, what do you wanna do?", because then we'll just end up ordering feta garlic fingers and calling it a night.

Enduring Love by Ian McEwan? Out of Season by Robert Bausch? I just don't know, somebody else pick...


Anonymous said...

I vote for Thomas' Snowsuit by my dear friend Robert Munsch....Ok, discuss it...

Emily said...

I LOVE YOU! you're so darn funny!
How about something not too heavy to start.....?

Emily said...

How about Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne??? Some say that it is considered the first novel.......................................................I'll let you think about that one!

Shannon Skafte said...

I'm new to this reading thing - but i'm Very up for it - I might read it slower than all of you reader like people - I have no insight I think the only book I read cover to cover that wasn't requied by school was a book call Mei Mei - I don't know the author - I got nothing...

let me know what we're reading... TTYL

Ruth said...

Oh Evelyn, I laughed so hard when I read this post! hehe And you slipping in all those inside jokes! I had forgotten about the night of the feta garlic fingers!

Alas, despite (almost) having a masters in English, I haven't read many novels during my five-year university career, and I don't think you would all appreciate me recommending such material as Robert Browning's "The Ring and the Book" or even worse, "The Sexual Politics of Meat." (two books I suffered through this past year.)

Has everybody read George Orwell's "1984"? That's a book I've been wanting to read and haven't yet.