Holy perfect apartment batman! This little pic of the Halifax skyline is a mere representation of the scrumptious view that I'll get from my most favoritest maybe apartment.
I went apartment hunting today, and I was a little nervous about it. Something about busing it to the sketchy parts of town to meet strange people and go into strange dark places... I was nervous. The first place I saw was in a rather notorious area of town, a reputation you could sense from the state of the neighbours... i.e. police tape blowing in the wind, boarded windows, and large, hairy men in stained t-shirts. It was a basement apartment to boot, and I just did not get a good feeling. I walked the 30 minutes back to my apartment and caught a bus to the next viewing.
It was a little better. Located on a main downtown street, right next to a nice construction site. I think he said there were no pets allowed, but I couldn't really hear him. This I took as a sign that I should move on...
I made my way down the road again, and this time I was quite pleased. The apartment I saw faced the street instead of the harbour, but there will be an opening on the other side in August, and it's definitely worth the extra $25 a month... All the apartments have hard wood floors, they're bright and spacious, and!!! there's pink and black tile in the bathroom!!!
It's a little pricer than I had hoped, but after seeing what a lower rent would get me I figured a little extra cash is worth my health and saftey. I'll probably find out tomorrow whether or not I've been approved for the place... I don't have much of a credit history (which is odd, since credit like people had been calling me relentlessly until a few weeks ago, so it feels like I have a history...).
So, now we wait... I have to get some more things in order (anyone wanna fake a reference? I can't for the life of me find the number of "spacious apartments" in Moncton... and that's what's holding me back.
I needs this apartment. It's perfect, five minutes from work, beautiful view of the Harbour (the only thing good about Dartmouth is we get the view of Halifax), and it's full of niceness!!!!! Ahhhh!!!!
Now all I need to move out is a couch, a TV, a table, a microwave (heck a whole kitchen! random tupperware will only get you so far), ummm, a dresser, a rug, things to put other things in, and a home sweet home cross stich. I've moved out twice before, but all that stuff has gone away... (not that it was really worth keeping).
I really want a Lazy-boy rocker recliner too... is that tacky?
Yes it is Tacky... but comfy
So, Evelyn, I remember a while back you commented how excited you were about receiving something in the mail... and then you said that something was going to go in the mail the very next day...
I have a strong suspicion that the item intended to be mailed never made it to the mailbox.
So, would it be safe to assume that that means you are unable to attend a certain event on August 12th?? Or, should I expect your presence at this event?
Oh, and btw, good luck with the apartment hunting!
you caught me, it has yet to make it in the mail... but yes, I'll be there!
and did you notice that we always say "a certain event", it's almost like a secret or something :)
there is no secret event - -
don't spoil the surprise...
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