I visited my new apartment a few days ago and haven't made it back since. I left the windows open thinking it'd cool the place down and that I'd be back the next day.
Except now it's really, really rainy, and my windows are really, really open.
Normally I enjoy the sound of the rain, but I'm a little tense tonight thinking about what it could be doing to my nice hardwood floors.
Small issues I guess...
On an only slightly more interesting note, I went wedding gift shopping today, because I recently discovered that there is a wedding coming up NEXT. WEEKEND! For which I'll be leaving on Thursday.
I was a little stressed out regarding the gift. It has to be perfect, and as much as I like apple green Tupperware, I know that not everyone agrees with me.
I didn't know what to get, and I've gone to the mall three times trying to find something... This time I was successful! I'm like, totally excited to see the reaction, as I think I did pretty good. I'm also like, totally excited to see people that I haven't seen in almost a year!!! A whole year!!! I haven't been this excited for something since Christmas. Christmas people! This is huge!
I still have to find one more thing... but I'm too sheepish to go to that particular store myself. I've got one more day off between now and the day I leave, so I'm a gonna leave it till then.
Now... what do I wear?
"I haven't been this excited for something since Christmas. Christmas people! This is huge!"
I love that line! Oh Evelyn, you're cute! I'm so excited too! I can't believe it's NEXT weekend either! Oh man, I'm excited to see everyone again!
Ev, why ever did you leave your windows open??? Oh Evy...
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