August 09, 2006

Update for Updates Sake

- the 6th was my blog's one year anniversary... but I forgot

- moved in to the new place with minimal stress, it's awesome, more with pics to follow

- no phone or internet at new place as of yet

- the cat isn't flying out today as planned. I can't leave him alone for four days... I'm thinking I'll hire a sitter and make my sister pay for it, since this whole thing is her problem. Oh yeah.

- going to Miramichi tomorrow!!! Yippee!!! I still have to get a present, something to wear to the wedding, sandals for tubing, an air mattress (I decided that I just need to spend the $20 and get a double... three nights on a single air mattress? Just not my thang). But other than that I'm totally ready for it!

- tomorrow I'll be seeing friends I haven't seen in almost a year. Je suis vraiement excite'. Like totally.


MamaNiger said...

Je suis vraiement excite, doesn't that mean I'm extremely horny??? I think it does. LOL

Unknown said...

hmm, well, I know I'm not totally bilingual, and my grade 8 french teacher has been wrong before... so I guess that may be true.

but in this case it really just means excited :)

Shannon Skafte said...

I don't know what "Je suis vraiement excite" means...

I'm not so good at Englieh let-a-lone Japanese...



Anonymous said...

Have fun at the wedding and the tubing and the camping!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah You might want to brush up on your french.......


Anonymous said...

the cat misses you already