September 19, 2007


So I finally paid off my mondo library fines, and am currently sitting at a computer at Alderney Gate. I could always use the computers with the fines I had earned, but who wants to deal with the shame?

There's a girl across from me that I went to high school with. And while I'm a pro at awkward conversation my brain is shouting avoid! avoid! And there's this other lady who keeps grunting at various tones and volumes. She could be in the beginning stages of labour or something, so I won't judge. And then there's this other buddy who is attacking his keyboard with Delta Force like ferocity. I'm not a fan. At least it's more motivation to get a computer of my own someday.

Kid Nation, the show where they make kids do grown-up things starts tonight, so at least that's something to look forward to.

I hear a rumour that the Belli's have expanded and there's a new little boy? It's exciting and I sure wish they had a computer!

Oh my, people are yelling in library... isn't that a nay nay?

Is it possible to hurt yourself doing nothing? Cuz my shoulder is killing me! Be sure to go to the movies this weekend and watch Across the Universe (the Beatles musical, trailor seen in previous post) and Into the Wild (trailor also found below). Cuz I'm sure gonna... maybe.

Alright, facebook has been checked I can move on now. I'm gonna check out some things on the Arctic, because when I get obsessed with something, I like to go all out.

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